Video Art installation
Sarah Brahim | Performance Film

A Sarah Brahim’s film in which the individual is represented as a ‘light being’ understanding that the body and imagination can be limited and limitless all at once.

The film explores how as individuals we surround ourselves with light, both physical and metaphorical, for balance and harmony. As a tribute to Aristotle’s immense treatise “De Anima”, Brahim offers with her installation an extension of the original philosopher’s theory, further looking at light as the animator of the soul. The location was chosen as the place where the sky and the waters of the wadi converge: “where the celestial body, physical body and body of water can meet”.

US/Saudi Arabia, 2022
Videoart, Experimental
8K | 22 min 27 sec | Color
Language: None

Produced by Noor Riyadh
Direction: Sarah Brahim
Performers: Jalessa Johnston, Tamzin O’Garro, Angelica Picco, Sarah Brahim. Franco Nieto
DoP: Massimiliano Cosi
Camera Operator: Michele Giannantonio
Lights/gaffing: Kevin Michaluk, Nate L. Miles
Costumes: Angelica Picco
Set, props, special thanks: Noreen Brahim
Editing and Grading: Massimiliano Cosi
Music: Gaio Ariani, Carmine Calia
Next Project
Alta Murgia National Park
Institutional Campaign